Student Senate Meeting Schedule -- 2012-13

Quarter One

Meeting #1 -- Tuesday, October 2
Meeting #2 -- Tuesday, October 16
Meeting #3 -- Tuesday,
October 30

Student Senate Meetings are held at the Doyle Administration Building -- 545 W. Dayton Street -- in Room 103. 6:00-7:30PM.

(The Doyle building is located across from the Kohl Center, between N. Frances and Bedford Streets. That's also one block south of the Nitty Gritty restaurant. Parking should be available in the parking lot behind the Doyle building. Enter Door #1 which is closest to Bedford Street.)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Course Description for Third Quarter 2008-09

This service learning course will work to develop strong, committed student voices at Shabazz in areas of personal leadership, school government, community building, group dynamics, conflict resolution, and problem solving. As a way to further understand concepts of leadership, students will complete a variety of writing and analysis assignments, actively participate in discussions, and contribute to hands-on projects. Students will also examine and develop an understanding of current educational issues and concepts of community through an analysis of various articles and media sources. WE MAY READ A BOOK AS A CLASS THIS QUARTER. All students in the CLASS must participate in either the district’s Student Senate evening meetingsor the Shabazz student input groups.

Prerequisites: Members of the course must bring with them a strong desire to understand and enhance their current Shabazz community, a firm commitment to follow current Shabazz policies, an ability to complete individual assignment responsibilities within deadlines, and a willingness to actively work in cooperative groups.

Note: Students with a harassment or AOD violation within the last two quarters are not eligible for this course.

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