Student Senate Meeting Schedule -- 2012-13

Quarter One

Meeting #1 -- Tuesday, October 2
Meeting #2 -- Tuesday, October 16
Meeting #3 -- Tuesday,
October 30

Student Senate Meetings are held at the Doyle Administration Building -- 545 W. Dayton Street -- in Room 103. 6:00-7:30PM.

(The Doyle building is located across from the Kohl Center, between N. Frances and Bedford Streets. That's also one block south of the Nitty Gritty restaurant. Parking should be available in the parking lot behind the Doyle building. Enter Door #1 which is closest to Bedford Street.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

What are we doing this week?

Education Article Search and Share

All this week, students will be researching and analyzing education articles using online databases. Anna Moss, our school librarian, will introduce our online database subscriptions to be used for this project. These articles and student responses will be used to focus our discussions of education policy and practice in the next few weeks of the quarter.

Be ready to get your search on!

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Student Welcome Activity

Snaps to all students and staff who participated in the New Student Welcome Activity on Wednesday, April 22. Great fun, great food, great company !!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Student Welcome Activity

The New Student Welcome Activity is set for Wednesday, April 22 during first period. CLASS and Shabazz Experience I students will gather together for breakfast and fun activities. It will be a nice community building opportunity for all.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Defining a Leader

In the past two class periods, students have brainstormed and processed a working definition of a leader, leader characteristics, and leadership. We also discussed the process of coming to these definitions (who took control, what were the tangents, how the class worked together, group dynamics, etc.).

Here are the results:

A Leader has: self-confidence, goals and beliefs, charisma, strong public speaking/listening skills, intuition, an open mind, an educated understanding of goals and audience, the ability to take risks, a strong network, a support system, organizational skills, funding ($ support), credentials/education, an ability to give a positive first impression, assertiveness, people smarts, awareness, [is] centered, [is] honest, and [is] reliable.

A leader doesn't always have a positive goal. A leader doesn't have to possess all of the characteristics listed above to be effective (but it helps).

Leadership is the practice of organizing others toward a common cause.