Student Senate Meeting Schedule -- 2012-13

Quarter One

Meeting #1 -- Tuesday, October 2
Meeting #2 -- Tuesday, October 16
Meeting #3 -- Tuesday,
October 30

Student Senate Meetings are held at the Doyle Administration Building -- 545 W. Dayton Street -- in Room 103. 6:00-7:30PM.

(The Doyle building is located across from the Kohl Center, between N. Frances and Bedford Streets. That's also one block south of the Nitty Gritty restaurant. Parking should be available in the parking lot behind the Doyle building. Enter Door #1 which is closest to Bedford Street.)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Music and Politics

The music industry and Hollywood often join hands to use their celebrity status and popular culture influence to promote a political stance. Here as an example of how that is done.

(Note: Once I find an appropriate Republican-sided example, I will add it to this post.)

This was the best I could find for McCain:

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